Spins and Turns with Marguerite on DVD

Spins & Turns with Marguerite - DVD

Product number: 2930
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A spinning dancer is mystic and mesmerizing. On this belly dancing video, learn the ancient arts of Spinning and Whirling with Marguerite who studied with the Shamans of Mongolia. Marguerite guides you through Warm-up and Exercises to prepare you for spinning and turning. She then teaches you how to spot with multiple and single-spot turns, and includes tips on how to keep from getting dizzy. She demonstrates and completely breaks down numerous spins and turns. And to add texture to your performance, Marguerite demonstrates many arm movements and positions to use while spinning, including Decorative Arms, the Heart Mudra, Snake Arms, Ceiling Spot Arms, and the Over Head Wipe. You'll also learn how to use a veil while spinning and how to add Level Changes to your turns. This program concludes with a mesmerizing performance by Marguerite featuring the techniques taught on this video.

Running Time 93 minutes

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